
At the beginning of 2014 I resolved to do at least One New Thing a week, and record it publically to ensure commitment to the resolution.  That’s dedication!  It’s too easy to find one’s self in the comfort zone of life, and I need to get out every once in awhile.

Why only 1 each week?  1 new thing a day was really unachievable.  Let’s be realistic folks, everyone’s life is busy, and when planning goals as they say break it down to small achievable steps.   So here it is.  What is there to know about me:

  • Coffee drinker
  • Foodie (apparently)
  • Reader
  • Manager, specialising in Public Library & Culture
  • Cycler
  • Photographer

I’m passionate about my work.  However you will find very little comment on the subject, unless it is part of the challenge – so don’t go expecting it!

A new post will appear on the Sunday at the beginning of the new week – just incase what new thing I choose is completed in the dying hours of the week.  Lets see if I can get through it…

Your thoughts?